Addressing the Lower Face with Fillers

Portland Filler

The lower third of the face is very important for facial aesthetics. A well contoured jawline is desirable for both men and women and it is a key element when masculinizing or feminizing a face. Injectable fillers like Juvederm Voluma are gaining popularity with the recent FDA approval for use in the chin (1). Hyaluronic acid fillers in the lower face can: reshape the jawline, lift sagging tissue, and improve facial proportions. When used to rejuvenate the aging face, we aim to redefine the jawline line and angle of the jaw. In younger faces, filler can be used to correct an inherited deficit or enhance facial contour; all aimed to enhance one’s self perception.

A well defined jawline, with a distinct line along the jaw is desirable for both men and women and enhances self perception of youth and attractiveness (2). It is also an important factor for masculinizing and feminizing features. For example, men have more square faces with sharper lines and angles as compared to feminine features of more oval and with smooth transitions (3). Further, the masculine chin is strong while a feminine chin is round and subtle (4).

There are several things that happen to our face as we age that leads to loss of jawline definition. Changes over time happen in all layers of the face from the soft tissue of the skin, and fat to the bone (5). Basically, the bone decreases in size as we age, fat pads shrink, and skin loses its elasticity; all contributing to loss of jawline and jowl formation (6). This may be compounded by a constitutionally small or recessed chin.

Hyaluronic acid fillers can be used to reshape the jawline and chin, adding contour to the face and lifting the cheeks and neck (7). Product is placed according to the individual needs and based on assessment.

In a feminine face, the chin width falls between lines drawn from the inner eyes down. In a masculine face, we use the base of the nose, or width of the mouth as measure. Faces can also be divided into thirds. In a feminine face, the facial thirds are more equal and the width of the cheeks is greater than the width of the jaw. In a masculine face, the low third predominates and the width of the chin is more equal to the width of the jaw.

Jawline Filler

Thanks for reading and tuning in. I learn a lot from these blogs and I hope you gain something from the content. We are all inherently beautiful and I believe that beauty stems from a healthy body.  Filler and other facial injectables are effective, but nothing beats good ol’ whole foods, exercise, sleep, and love.  










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