Common Questions Answered: Botox Cosmetic

botox oregon

This week I highlight common questions about neuromodulators.

How much experience do you have?

On average, I perform about 20 neuromodulator treatments per week, with three years of injecting experience and I use Botox Cosmetic 99% of the time (Dysport 1%).  

Can you show me your before-and-after photos?

Check out my google business page and instagram page (@drheatherfriedman) for a portfolio of before-and-afters.  

What measures are being taken to reduce the spread of COVID-19?

Masks are required in the office and employees have been vaccinated.  Each client receives a reminder text with our current COVID-19 office policy.  Masks are often removed in my treatment room to do the procedures so in response, a HEPA filter runs during business hours.  The room is wiped down with antimicrobial agents between clients.

How can I ensure better results or quicker recovery?

It’s important to adhere to the after care instructions provided at each appointment.  We want the medicine to stay where it was injected to avoid relaxing an unintended muscle.  For example, you wouldn’t use the sauna on injection day because when the blood flows, so too could the neuromodulator.  As for a quicker recovery, it is prudent to avoid blood thinning agents like alcohol, omega 3 fatty acids, and meds like ibuprofen/aspirin for a couple days prior to treatment so as to support against bruising.  Never discontinue a medication prescribed by a physician without consulting with that physician first. A reminder email is sent with how best to prepare before each treatment.  

What are the risks associated with this procedure?

There is minimal risk with neuromodulators.  Most commonly there is temporary redness, swelling, and discomfort where we inject and bruising that persists up to 2 weeks if possible.  In addition, few experience headaches from the procedure.  Very rarely a general feeling of illness and nausea occurs.  If the medicine migrates, lid drooping can occur.  Nevertheless, all the side effects gradually resolve as the medicine dissipates (1).  

What is the procedure like?

The appointment is 20-30 minutes.  First time clients go through a medical intake and consultation with pictures taken.  Return clients take a seat, we conduct a short intake in conversation style, and look up/apply points.  The treatment area is cleansed with alcohol, marked when appropriate, then injected.  You are provided a stress ball or vibrating distracter for comfort and arnica if appropriate.  After checkout and scheduling a follow up, you are free to go.  

What is recovery like?

There is typically no recovery time, however injection sites may show irritation for up to a few hours. 

How long will it take before I start to see results?

You’ll start to see results in about 2-7 days with about two weeks for results to fully develop.  

When can I go back to work and/or the gym, and when can I resume wearing makeup and using skin-care products?

Avoid strenuous exercise for 48 hours following your injections.  Cosmetics, moisturizers, lotions, etc. can be used the next day but avoid extreme pressure with application.  You may cleanse your face in the evening however avoid massaging the treated area for 24 hours.  

How long do the results last and what do I need to do to maintain them?

Results typically last 3-4 months with optimal dosing and keeping up with your treatments about every 4 months will help maintain them. 



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