The Six Tenets of Naturopathic Medicine and How I Integrate these into an Aesthetic Practice.

It’s voting time for Oregon’s Naturopathic board and for seemingly the first time, the heat is on!  I have been diligently reading the bio’s of my fellow Oregon ND’s running for office and their commitment to this medicine.  As I reflect on my commitment to Naturopathy and my current practice, I share with you this week the tenets of naturopathic medicine and the principles I continually strive to integrate.

The Six Tenets of Naturopathic Medicine and How I Apply Them to My Aesthetic Treatments

The Healing Power of Nature – is our bodies’ inherent ability to establish, maintain, and restore health. This process is intelligent; nature heals. Naturopaths facilitate this process, identifying and removing obstacles to health and recovery while supporting the body’s inner wisdom to maintain healthy internal and external environments.  With my naturopathic foundation, I rely upon the wisdom of nature to base my application of aesthetics.  

Identify and Treat the Cause – illness doesn’t occur unless there is a cause. The underlying cause must be discovered and removed and/or treated before full recovery. Symptoms are the body’s attempt to heal itself, but they are not the cause of the disease. Naturopaths read the language of the symptoms along with the script of the body’s optimal functioning to uncover underlying causes at all levels. As a simple example, the use of sunscreen is a way to address the underlying cause of fine lines and wrinkles. 

First, do no Harm – naturopathic actions can either support or antagonize the life force and the condition of the client. As naturopaths, we are committed to treating illnesses and causing no further harm. Therapy should be complementary to and synergistic with the healing process.  Your safety is my number one priority and I honor this tenet by maintaining and investing in regular continuing education.

Treat the Whole Person — physical, emotional, psychological, spiritual, genetic, environmental, social— procuring harmony among all aspects of the client is ideal for their healing.I apply this principle to aesthetics by working to treat the whole face. Over time, I have honed my eye for how the parts of the face are interconnected; by engaging with the whole picture, the work yields more harmonious and natural outcomes.

Physician as Teacher – the physician is a catalyst for change, and in the healing process they inspire and educate the client to make informed commitments to their health and lifestyle choices. This principle has been the primary inspiration for my writings; I experience this practice as a time to offer my expertise, wisdom, lessons, and wonders to my community. 

Prevention – the ultimate goal of naturopathic medicine is prevention. As we heal and change our lifestyles to support health, we work to prevent illness. In my daily clinical practice, I informally advise clients on their health routines while administering treatments. Post treatment, I advise on best practices for protecting the skin, caring for the investment of the treatment, and minimizing/preventing possible strain or damage to the skin. Vitamin IV therapy is also a powerful tool for preventing illness and encouraging vitality.

Whether it’s working with injectables, writing, or administering IV’s, I continually hold myself accountable to the principles of naturopathy; they guide the vision and ethics of my work.  I am so grateful to have the opportunity to integrate aesthetic medicine with these naturopathic tenets.

Thanks for reading,


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