Treating Wrinkles and More with Skinpen Microneedling

Skin Pen Portland

Fall is around the corner and the season for resurfacing treatments like peels and microneedling are here!  I am proud to have invested in the Skinpen, the world’s first FDA-cleared microneedling device. Integrating microneedling treatments into your self-care regimen will rejuvenate your skin, address uneven skin tone, and facial acne scarring (1). 

How the Skinpen Works 

At the end of the pen, we attach a cartridge that has 12 surgical-grade stainless steel tiny needles. The pen is run over the skin at the assigned depth so that the needles penetrate the skin, creating controlled skin injury. To heal this injury, your body calls upon the phases of healing, laying down collagen and leading to skin proliferation and remodeling. 

The Skinpen is Clinically Proven

The Skinpen is FDA approved to improve the appearance of facial acne scars and also to treat wrinkles on the neck!  In a study conducted by the makers of Skinpen, six months after three treatments, 90% of subjects reported an improvement in the appearance of the acne scars, up from 80% at month one. In a review looking at 33 studies of acne scarring treatment with microneedling, all studies showed an improvement (2). There is also evidence that microneedling treats fine lines and wrinkles, improves skin laxity, and skin texture (3). 

How to Best Prepare for your Skinpen Procedure

There is minimal downtime associated with this procedure. You may experience pink and mild inflammation, similar to a mild sunburn appearance, for 24-48 hours following and you’ll want to avoid cosmetics for 24 hours. For those prone to cold sores, it may be prudent to initiate antiviral therapy prior to the procedure to avoid a flare. Connect with myself or your PCP with questions. You’ll want to avoid sun exposure and topical retinoids 24 hour prior to the procedure and wait at least six months post isotretinoin use. 

Post Skinpen Procedure Guidelines 

Avoid applying anything to your face (unless otherwise advised by your physician) the day of procedure. Avoid strenuous exercise, excessive sweating, and sun exposure for about three days afterwards. You are provided with an aftercare regiment at your appointment time. There is very little down time with this procedure; I recommend taking the evening of your treatment day off from significant social engagements. 

Adding on Platelet Rich Therapy (AKA PRP)

For an exciting add-on to your Skinpen treatment, we safely use products from your own blood for facial rejuvenation (4). Throughout the microneedling session, your PRP is applied to the skin, allowing it to penetrate as the needles form microchannels. Results are subtle, effective, and 100% from YOU!  The PRP contains growth factors which further potentiate collagen production. 

All in all, microneedling with the Skinpen is a safe, minimally invasive, effective treatment for all skin types with very little down time. Proven to treat: acne scars, fine lines and wrinkles of the skin and neck, skin laxity, and pigmentation issues (5). 

Thanks for reading!



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