A Reintroduction to My Writing Practice & Intentions for 2024

Coming up on six years in March, I began this writing practice. I was working in functional medicine at the time and just beginning to explore aesthetics. My training and work have always required consistent research. From this place of ongoing study, I forged this practice of processing my research into content to share through this blog. This process has been immensely valuable to me. 

It is valuable to me because it reinforces my education and competence in each service I offer. The process of researching a treatment and then re-articulating it further solidifies my knowledge and ability to inform my clients. I also find that the more that I offer out to the world, the more that comes back. For example, when I write about the benefits of Botox on migraines (coming next week!), folks with that need will know where to find me. Posting these writings across the socials lets people know it’s there, how I approach the work, my education, curiosity, and considerations.

This writing practice allows me to share my learnings from new trainings.

This writing space is where to learn about promotions and new services.

This writing practice is a way to reinforce our connection. I’ve likely met you in my office, and sharing these writings is a way to stay connected. I write with intentions of sharing my learnings, dedication, and discipline in this aesthetics work. I hope this benefits you in the process of making informed choices for yourself.

While I’m in the aesthetics realm, I am a naturopath, and I’m at my core passionate about the full-body integration of health. This dual influence speaks to my personal aesthetic of natural results. 

Things I’m looking forward to in 2024:

  • In February I’m headed to Fort Lauderdale to train with Dr. Shino Bay Aguilera, an internationally-renowned trainer. We’ll be working mainly with Sculptra.

  • All year, I will continue to integrate ultrasound into practice. This tool enhances safety, and I am committed to progressing my skill and knowledge.

  • I’m excited to welcome new community members to the Heal House. We currently have a room for rent for a wellness practitioner. 

  • Looking forward to continuing to give great and safe results!

As I write out these reflections and intentions, I also acknowledge that each year is unfolding with its own wisdom. We can make goals for ourselves, and time will inevitably be a meandering journey, leaving us to find out what unexpected beauty and course redirections come up.

I love my clients. I intend to give outstanding results, and I genuinely want to support you in your work with me. Thank you for reading and learning and being in community with me!



Botox for Migraine Headaches


Introducing: SkinVive in Portland, OR